
What is Itec Projects approach with your project ?

Upon receipt of the required technical data ITEC system will create a phased activity plan and schedule.

The phased plan may consist of the following steps:

  1. Some visits to the client to discuss the requirements, constraints,  possible ways of working.
    This may also involve brainstorming sessions (a technique to ensure that the right insight of production process is felt within the team).
  2. Investigations, and pre-engineering of a specially designed system for you.
  3. Specification of the business case:
    > ROI (return on investment) and expected savings are an essential part of the case.
    > An overview of other specific requirements to create the right solution.
    > The requirements and wishes (must haves, would have, could have and won’t have) wil be adjusted in the course of follow-up meetings and result in an adjusted solution and pricing.
    > The stated aim of this preliminary feasibility study is to gain an insight inhowfar your requirements can be met or not.
    > Furthermore, in this period we can tinker with the concept together before an detailed proposal for a definite system is created.
  4. Since this is a ‘special machine’ or a customized system, this study and detailed coordination with you, the client, to achieve an adequate machine configuration, will cost serious time.
    Our experience is however that this time has to be invested. Consequently we will, possibly assisted by third parties, arrive at the solution.
  5. Elements of the pre-engineering include:
    > investigation of the wants and needs,
    > investigation and consideration of the various solutions,
    > evaluate ways to integrate off-shelf purchased parts into the solutions,
    > various meetings with the client regarding detailed specification of requirements,
    > determination of the final solution,
    > projecting the solution to the technical possibilities and a final technical control,
    > drawing a basic machine design, including plant lay-out,
    > fixing the structural and / or technical adjustments to the onsite premises,
    > planning the integration path for components and parts to be procured/purchased,
    > offer a complete turnkey solution including fixed investment amount and delivery date.

A preliminary investigation can – after the customer has given his consent – and will be initiated depending on the nature of the problem, but require global 8 weeks lead time.
The study will result in a final bid in the form of a detailed report for the delivery of the machine / plant.
This requires an initial investment, amount depending on the sort of request.
The cost of this pre-engineering will be deducted from the price of the system, if  ITEC Projects BV is given the order.
During the investigation period, the client must be sufficiently available for  contacts and meetings.